[§441-24.6] Pre-need trusts and perpetual care funds; actuarial studies. (a) Every cemetery authority operating a perpetual care cemetery and every cemetery or pre-need funeral authority offering pre-need services shall contract with an independent actuary to conduct an annual study of its level of funding. In the case of a perpetual care cemetery, the study shall be to determine whether the authority's perpetual care fund will provide sufficient income to cover the costs of the perpetual care of the cemetery. In the case of a cemetery or pre-need funeral authority, the study shall be to determine whether the authority's pre-need trust will be sufficient to cover the claims of pre-need plan participants.

(b) The actuarial study shall be submitted to the director within one hundred twenty days after the close of the authority's books for the fiscal or calendar year. At a minimum, such study shall detail the assets and liabilities of the fund or trust, the actuarial assumptions used in preparing the report and the actuary's conclusions as to whether the levels of funding are adequate. If the actuary concludes that the funding is not adequate, the actuary shall recommend what actions are necessary to protect the perpetual care fund or pre-need trust participants.

(c) If the study concludes that the levels of funding are not adequate or that the interests of the participants in the perpetual care fund or pre-need trusts are in any other respect not adequately protected, the director may require that a greater portion of the income be transferred to the fund or trust or may take such other action as is necessary to correct any inadequacies or may suspend the authority's right to accept further participants in the fund or trust. If requested by the authority, a hearing on the action taken by the director shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1985, c 101, §25]