§441-23 Fine, revocation, suspension, and renewal of authority licenses. In addition to any other actions authorized by law, the director may fine an authority, revoke any authority license, or suspend the right of the licensee to use the license, or refuse to renew any license for any cause authorized by law, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Any dishonest or fraudulent act as a cemetery or pre-need funeral authority that causes substantial damage to another;
(2) Making repeated misrepresentations or false promises through advertising or otherwise;
(3) Violation of this chapter or the rules adopted pursuant thereto;
(4) Commingling the money or other property of others with that of the licensee;
(5) Having been adjudicated insane or incompetent;
(6) Selling or offering to sell any cemetery property, pre-need interment, funeral services, or pre-need funeral services based on speculation or promises of profit from resale;
(7) Failing to file the actuarial study or an audited financial statement or to maintain in effect the bond as required by section 441-22;
(8) Failing to maintain pre-need trusts or perpetual care funds as required by this chapter; or