Law Journals and Reviews

Employee Rights Under Judicial Scrutiny: Prevalent Policy Discourse and the Hawai`i Supreme Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 189.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Remedies Available to Victims in Hawai`i. 15 UH L. Rev. 453.

Case Notes

Section 368 [sic], which was quite similar to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), found to be the most "analogous" state statute regarding applicable limitations period for plaintiff's ADA claim; since statutory period of ninety days was appropriately "borrowed" and became part of plaintiff's ADA claim, and since plaintiff filed suit within this time period, plaintiff's claim was not time-barred under ADA limitations period; passenger ticket contract did not trump applicable state law and ADA limitations periods. 51 F. Supp. 2d 1057.