Case Notes

Section, as amended by Act 166 [L 1995], violated neither Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act, nor the equal protection and due process clauses of the U.S. Constitution. 83 F.3d 1150.

Under federal regulations, income tax refund is not "income" for determining need for benefits. 396 F. Supp. 375.

Inability to engage in substantial gainful employment. 67 H. 560, 698 P.2d 280.

Where administrative rules failed to set forth the method by which department determined general assistance amounts, and the method used by department to determine amounts was adopted without compliance with chapter 91, administrative rules contravened statutory mandate of subsection (f) (1996) and were thus void and unenforceable. 88 H. 307, 966 P.2d 619.

Authorizes suit by eligible recipients to recover benefits wrongfully denied. 6 H. App. 160, 715 P.2d 813.