Case Notes
Section enabled plaintiff to raise constitutional claims during state court review of administrative proceedings; thus, under Younger abstention doctrine, proper for federal court to abstain from hearing claims. 17 F.3d 1244.
Petition for judicial review, filed on the thirty-first day after mailing of hearing decision, was untimely. 9 H. App. 484, 848 P.2d 383.
District court properly refused to consider petitioner’s question on the merits of the case raised for the first time on appeal; petitioner failed to appear at scheduled administrative hearing and was defaulted; as a result, petitioner failed to raise any issue on the merits regarding administrative revocation of petitioner’s driver’s license in the administrative proceeding. 10 H. App. 322, 871 P.2d 796.
Discussed: 75 H. 1, 856 P.2d 1207.