§235-2 Same; "Internal Revenue Code".
"Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as it applies to the determination of gross income, adjusted gross income, and taxable income, except those provisions of the Internal Revenue Code which pursuant to this chapter do not apply. For each taxable year specified in column 1 below the Internal Revenue Code meant is the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended as of June 7, 1957 and as further amended by the acts of Congress, or portions thereof, enumerated in column 2 (section numbers in column 2 are inclusive). Amendments to the Code not herein enumerated shall not be operative for the purposes of this chapter unless specifically adopted.Column 1 Column 2
Taxable year beginning on or Public Laws 85-165, 85-320,
after January 1, 1958, or which and 85-367; Public Law 85-866,
in whole or in part is governed Title I, sections 4-12, 19, 20
by this chapter pursuant to the (with respect to sales,
provisions of Act 1 of the exchanges, and distributions
Special Session Laws of 1957, made after December 31, 1957),
and subsequent taxable years. 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29 (the
provisions of section 29 being
applicable as agreed upon in
connection with the consent of
the department of taxation to
the change in the method of
accounting, and reading "the
first taxable year beginning
after December 31, 1953, and
ending after August 16, 1954"
as "the first taxable year
governed by the Income Tax Law
of 1957"), 34, 35, 37(c), 38,
43-48, 52(b), 53, 55, 95, and
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 85-866, Title I,
after January 1, 1959, or sections 2 (with respect to
beginning in 1958 but ending obligations acquired after
on or after June 30, 1959, December 31, 1957), 3 (with
and subsequent taxable years. respect to amounts received
as a statutory subsistence
allowance for a period after
September 30, 1958), 13, 15
(with respect to the costs
and improvements there desig-
nated), 17, 23, 26, 27, 30
(the provisions of section 30
being applicable to the
extent they relate to deduc-
tions for contributions and
gifts), 37(b) and (d), 39,
49, 50, 51, 52(a), 54, 57(a),
58 (with respect to the amounts
there designated), 101 (with
respect to taxable years of
regulated investment companies
beginning on or after March 1,
1958), Title II, sections 202,
204 (with respect to property
acquired by purchase after
December 31, 1958).
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 86-564, Title III,
after January 1, 1961, and section 302.
subsequent taxable years.
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 87-834, sections
after January 1, 1962, and 22 and 28.
subsequent taxable years.
Taxable years ending after Public Law 87-834, section 4.
December 31, 1962, but only
in respect of periods after
December 31, 1962.
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 87-834, sections
after January 1, 1963, and 13 and 21;
subsequent taxable years. Public Law 87-863, section 2.
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 86-376, section 1(a);
after January 1, 1965. Public Law 86-470, section 3(a);
Public Law 86-594, section 1;
Public Law 86-779, sections
6(a), (b), and (c), 7(a) and
Public Law 87-256, section
Public Law 87-834, section 3(a);
Public Law 87-858, section 2(a)
and (b);
Public Law 87-863, section 1(a)
and (b);
Public Law 88-4, section 1;
Public Law 88-272, sections
203(d) (with respect to dispo-
sitions of elevators and
escalators made in taxable
years beginning on or after
January 1, 1965), 204(a) (with
respect to group-term life
insurance provided in taxable
years beginning on or after
January 1, 1965), 205(a) (with
respect to amounts attributable
to periods of absence beginning
on or after January 1, 1965),
206(a) and (b)(2)(3) and (4)
(with respect to sales on or
after January 1, 1965), 207(a),
(b)(1)(2)(3), and (c)(2),
208(a) (with respect to losses
sustained in taxable years
beginning on or after January 1,
1965), 211(a), 212(a), 213(a)
and (b) (with respect to
expenses incurred in taxable
years beginning on or after
January 1, 1965), 217(a),
224(a), (b), and (c) (with
respect to certain deferred
payments on sales or exchanges
of property occurring in tax-
able years beginning on or
after January 1, 1965), 230(a)
and (b) (with respect to capi-
tal loss carryovers in taxable
years beginning on or after
January 1, 1965, and further
provided that in the case of
a taxpayer other than a cor-
poration, there shall be
treated as a short-term capi-
tal loss in the first taxable
year beginning after
December 31, 1964, any amount
which is treated as a short-
term capital loss in such year
as in effect immediately
before May 11, 1965), 231(a)
and (b) (with respect to
dispositions of certain
depreciable realty in taxable
years beginning on or after
January 1, 1965).
Taxable years ending after Public Law 88-554, section 1;
December 31, 1965, but only with Internal Revenue Code of 1954,
respect to compensation for section 112, as amended by
periods of active service after Public Law 89-739.
such date.
Taxable years ending after Public Law 88-272, section 209,
December 31, 1966, but only with the exceptions of section
with respect to contributions 209(c)(2) and section 209(f).
made after such date.
Taxable years beginning Public Law 90-78, section 1.
January 1, 1967.
Taxable year beginning on or Public Law 87-792, sections
after January 1, 1968. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7(b), 7(c), 7(d),
7(e) and 7(f);
Public Law 87-863, subsec-
tions 2(a) and (b);
Public Law 89-809, sections
204 and 205;
Public Law 87-792, section 5.
Taxable years beginning on or Internal Revenue Code, section
after January 1, 1966. 112(d), as added by Public
Law 92-279.
Taxable years beginning on or Public Law 91-172, sections
after January 1, 1975. 201(a)(1), (a)(2)(A), (b),
(c), (e) and (f) (with respect
to charitable contributions
made on or after January 1,
1975), 212(a)(1), (a)(2),
(b)(1), and (c)(1) (with
respect to recapture of depre-
ciation upon the sale of
livestock made on or after
January 1, 1975), 213(a), (b),
and (c) (with respect to
deductions attributable to
activities not engaged in for
profit made on or after
January 1, 1975), 231(a), (b),
and (c) (with respect to
moving expenses made on or
after January 1, 1975),
321(a), (b), and (c) (with
respect to restricted prop-
erty made on or after
January 1, 1975), 331(a),
(b), and (c) (with respect
to treatment of excess dis-
tributions by trusts made
on or after January 1, 1975),
411(a) and (b) (with respect
to interest on indebtedness
incurred by corporation to
acquire stock or assets of
another corporation made on
or after January 1, 1975),
412(a) (with respect to
installment sale made on or
after January 1, 1975), 421(a)
(with respect to stock divi-
dends made on or after
January 1, 1975), 433(b) (with
respect to loss of a small
business investment company
made on or after January 1,
1975), 441(a) (with respect
to public utility property
made on or after January 1,
1975), 442(a) (with respect
to earnings and profits made
on or after January 1, 1975),
513(a), (b), and (c) (with
respect to capital loss limi-
tations for individuals),
514(a) and (b) (with respect
to income on sales of liter-
ary property), 515(a), (b)
and (c)(1), (c)(2) and (c)(3)
(with respect to lump-sum
distribution from employees'
plans), 516(a) (with respect
to sales or other disposition
of a term interest in property),
516(b) (with respect to treat-
ment of certain casualty
losses), 516(c) (with respect
to treatment of franchises,
trademarks and trade names),
521(a) through (f) (with
respect to real estate depre-
ciation and recapture effec-
tive on or after January 1,
1975), 531(a), (b) and (c)
(with respect to qualified
pension, etc., plans of small
business corporation effective
on or after January 1, 1975),
901(a) and (b) (with respect
to casualty losses--reimburse-
ment for increased living
expenses), 902(a) and (b)
(with respect to fines and
penalties, and bribes and
illegal kickbacks), 905(a) and
(b) (with respect to corpora-
tions using appreciated property
to redeem their own stock),
910(a), (b) and (c) (with
respect to sales of certain low-
income housing projects in
Hawaii), 912(a) (with respect
to foster child as dependent),
915(a) (with respect to
replacement of property invol-
untarily converted within a 2-
year period.)
Public Law 92-178, sections
109(a), (b), (d)(1)(2), and
(e) (with respect to class
life system of depreciation
effective on or after January 1,
1975), 302(a) and (b) with
the exceptions of unused
credits (with respect to
limitations on carryovers of
unused capital losses), 303(a)
and (c) (with respect to
amortization of certain
expenditures for on-the-job
training and for child care
centers), 306(a) and (b)
(with respect to capital gain
distributions of certain
trusts), 310(a) (with respect
to bribes, kickbacks, medical
referral payments), and 311(a)
(with respect to activities
not engaged in for profit).
[L 1959, c 277, pt of §6; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §16; am L 1963, c 146, §1; am L 1965, c 57, §1; Supp, §121-1.01; am L 1967, c 25, §2, c 117, §1, and c 182, §2; HRS §235-2; am L 1968, c 47, §2; am L 1969, c 66, §2; am L 1973, c 21, §1; am L 1975, c 86, §1]