Attorney General Opinions
Act 262, L 1997, did not require city and county to offer county-level incentives to qualified businesses in new enterprise zone created legislatively by the Act. Att. Gen. Op. 98-1.
If extending survey and reporting requirements to new enterprise zone (EZ) created by the legislature would result in an increase in the level of service under city and county's existing program, then, unless department was willing to share in the cost, city and county was not required to submit initial survey or annual report on new EZ. Att. Gen. Op. 98-1.
Qualified businesses located in new enterprise zone (EZ) would be eligible for state tax incentives for seven-year period set forth in §§209E-10(a) and 209E-11, although a portion of that seven-year period extended beyond new EZ's five-year sunset date. Att. Gen. Op. 98-1.
Where legislature designated agricultural lands in Waialua district as an enterprise zone (EZ) in Act 262, L 1997, existing EZ at Waialua-Haleiwa was not affected because it was established prior to December 31, 1996, the retroactive effective date of the Act. Att. Gen. Op. 98-1.