[§206E-8.5] Developments within special management areas and shoreline setback. [See repeal note below.] (a) Notwithstanding chapter 205A, all requests for developments within a special management area and shoreline setback variances for developments on any lands within a community development district shall be submitted to and reviewed by the lead agency as defined in chapter 205A.
(b) In the review of such requests, the lead agency shall conform to the following, as deemed appropriate:
(1) Applicable county rules adopted in accordance with section 205A-26 for the review of developments within a special management area, except that paragraph (2)(C) of section 205A-26 shall not apply; and
(2) Part III of chapter 205A and applicable county rules for the review of developments within the shoreline setback.
(c) With the approval of the lead agency, the developments may be allowed without a special management area permit or shoreline setback variance as required by chapter 205A. [L 1990, c 86, §5]