§76-5.5 Recruitment flexibility for the counties, the judiciary, and the Hawaii health systems corporation.
[Section repealed July 1, 2002. L 2000, c 253, §39.] Notwithstanding section 76-23, or any other provision to the contrary, the directors of the county departments of civil service, the administrative director of the courts, and the Hawaii health systems corporation chief executive officer's designee may determine, establish, and maintain the manner in which positions shall be filled in accordance with section 78-1 and the following standards:(1) Equal opportunity for all regardless of race, sex, age, religion, color, ancestry, physical handicap, or politics;
(2) First consideration for competent employees already within public service; and
(3) Impartial selection of the ablest person through competitive means which are fair, objective, and practical. [L 1994, c 223, §5; am L 1996, c 262, §9]