§5-16 State flower and individual island flowers. The native yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei A. Gray), also known as the Pua Aloalo or Ma`o-hau-hele, is established and designated as the official flower of the State.
The `Ç hi`a lehua (metrosideros macropus M. collina), also known as the pua lehua, is established and designated as the official flower of the island of Hawai`i.
The lokelani, also known as the damask rose (rosa damascena), is established and designated as the official flower of the island of Maui.
The pua `ilima from the native dodder shrubs (sida fallax) is established and designated as the official flower of the island of O`ahu.
The mokihana from the native tree (pelea anisata) is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Kaua`i.
The pua kukui, also known as the candlenut tree (aleurites moluccana), is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Moloka`i.
The kauna`oa, also known as the native dodder (cuscuta sandwichiana), is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of L~ na`i.
The pã pã , also known as the momi, laiki, and kahelelani, is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Ni`ihau.
The hinahina or native heliotrope (heliotropium anomalum, var. argenteum) is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Kaho`olawe. [L 1988, c 177, §1; am L 2000, c 165, §3]