
Public land trust information system. L 2000, c 125.

Attorney General Opinions

Power and authority to generate proceeds from, or power to alienate, lands held in public trust, exist under this section; history of this section indicates that section was intended to reiterate the trust contained in Admission Act. Att. Gen. Op. 95-3.

Law Journals and Reviews

Courts and the Cultural Performance: Native Hawaiians' Uncertain Federal and State Law Rights to Sue. 16 UH L. Rev. 1.

Case Notes

Does not violate section 5 of the Admission Act. 921 F.2d 950.

Section imposes fiduciary duty on Hawaii's officials to hold ceded lands in accordance with trust provisions of §5(f) of Admission Act; citizens of State must have means to mandate compliance. 73 H. 578, 837 P.2d 1247.