Cross References
Allocation of departments, see chapter 26.
Temporary agencies, see §26-41.
Term of board members, see §26-34.
Attorney General Opinions
Residence requirement. Not applicable to president of University of Hawaii. Att. Gen. Op. 61-84. Applicable to superintendent of public instruction. Att. Gen. Op. 62-5. The superintendent of education appointed by the elected board of education need not be a resident of the State. Att. Gen. Op. 66-27.
Appointment of chairpersons of the various boards by the governor and authorizing delegation of powers to them are not contrary to this section. Att. Gen. Op. 64-18.
First paragraph requires that state executive branch agencies be placed within the principal departments of the executive branch of state government, unless they are agencies or commissions that are both temporary and for special purposes. Att. Gen. Op. 96-1.
Case Notes
No unconstitutional delegation of powers was involved in federal-state arrangement for jurisdiction over air carriers. 44 H. 634, 651-53, 361 P.2d 390.
Not violated by administrative revocation program. 76 H. 380, 878 P.2d 719.
Article VI, §1 and this section, neither separately nor together prohibit the establishment of the administrative driver’s license revocation office in the judiciary. 91 H. 212 (App.), 982 P.2d 346.