
Drug court and alternative incarceration programs. L Sp 1995, c 25, §§5 to 23.

Drug demand reduction assessments (expires June 30, 2001). L 1995, c 205; L 1996, c 7, §1; L 1998, c 152, §3.

Cross References

Drug dealer liability act, see chapter 663D.

Intermediate sanctions for selected offenders and defendants, see §§353-10.5, 353-63.5, and 706-605.1.

Money laundering, see chapter 708A.

Law Journals and Reviews

Marijuana Prohibition in Hawaii. 13 HBJ No. 3 Fall 1977, pg. 9.

Case Notes

When a statute proscribes a substance as harmful, presumption of constitutionality applies although scientific views on harm are conflicting. This rule applies to marijuana cases. 56 H. 271, 535 P.2d 1394.