Law Journals and Reviews

Commentary on Selected Employment and Labor Law Decisions Under the Lum Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 423.

Case Notes

Arbitrator's award does not preclude similar claim in subsequent federal policy. 728 F. Supp. 1452.

Award within terms of submission. 5 H. 39; 5 H. 43.

Arbitration clause contained in labor agreement, application of federal law. 49 H. 53, 57, 411 P.2d 134.

Award may be vacated only on grounds set forth in section. 51 H. 332, 460 P.2d 317; 66 H. 214, 659 P.2d 720.

All judicial review of arbitration awards and judgments of circuit courts reviewing arbitration awards are restricted by this section. 57 H. 186, 552 P.2d 1117.

Award vacated for "evident partiality" and for "exceeding their powers" and not deciding the question submitted. 59 H. 207, 579 P.2d 673.

Failure to provide adequate notice of hearing violated paragraph (3). 65 H. 247, 649 P.2d 1159.

Arbitrator exceeded powers. 66 H. 228, 659 P.2d 729; 66 H. 232, 659 P.2d 732.

Arbitrator did not exceed authority. 66 H. 431, 667 P.2d 251; 2 H. App. 411, 634 P.2d 105.

Arbitrators acted in fair and impartial manner. 66 H. 431, 667 P.2d 251.

Arbitration award was vacated and remanded to see whether the parties modified the agreement and settled the dispute, thus divesting arbitrator of authority. 71 H. 76, 783 P.2d 1230.

Amended arbitration award vacated where arbitrator exceeded powers by reopening hearings. 73 H. 201, 830 P.2d 503.

Failure to timely bring motion to vacate under this section precludes challenge of award confirmation order and subsequent appeal under §658-15, except for clarification. 74 H. 210, 847 P.2d 652.

Arbitrator did not exceed powers in violation of paragraph (4) as arbitrator did not "decide" any portion of count previously dismissed by circuit court. 82 H. 57, 919 P.2d 969.

Arbitrator did not violate paragraph (3) by refusing to hear evidence material and pertinent to controversy where evidence of employee's experience, performance record, and competence were neither considered nor constituted factors in employer's decision to terminate employee. 82 H. 57, 919 P.2d 969.

Arbitrators did not exceed or imperfectly execute their powers. 4 H. App. 295, 666 P.2d 603.

Award lacked finality and definiteness. 5 H. App. 168, 680 P.2d 533.

Partiality of arbitrator as grounds for vacating decision, discussed. 7 H. App. 329, 763 P.2d 9.

Circuit court had no power to modify award where employer’s request to modify award did not come within any one of the specified grounds in this section or §658-10; there is a limited public policy exception to the general deference given arbitration awards. 77 H. 187 (App.), 881 P.2d 1255.