Cross References

Bypass of court annexed arbitration, see §671-16.5.

Center for alternative dispute resolution, see chapter 613.

Court annexed arbitration program, see §601-20.

Law Journals and Reviews

Public Employee Arbitration in Hawaii, A Study in Erosion. 2 UH L. Rev. 477.

Case Notes

Binding effect of award. 1 H. 133 (single justice). Assumpsit on award outside of statute. 4 H. 670. Award not set aside if within terms of submission. 5 H. 39; 5 H. 43.

Effect of one item not being considered. 5 H. 157.

Parties to action with approval of the court may agree to refer issues to arbitrators and to entry of judgment upon award as at common law, independent of the statute. 20 H. 627.

Entry of submission as rule of court. 21 H. 375.

Application of federal law to arbitration under labor agreement. 49 H. 53, 411 P.2d 134.

Agreement for appointment of appraisers upon failure of parties to a lease to agree on rental held to contemplate arbitration. 50 H. 563, 445 P.2d 370.

Agreed procedure to determine value of assets held to be an agreement for arbitration within scope of this chapter. 58 H. 64, 564 P.2d 445.

An agreement between lessor and lessee providing for "appraisers" to determine market value of the demised land fell within scope of this chapter. 61 H. 483, 605 P.2d 925.

Requires the existence of an enforceable, valid, and irrevocable agreement, in writing, before parties to a lawsuit can be ordered to arbitrate under §658-3. 73 H. 433, 834 P.2d 1294.

Where general allegations based on fraud in the inducement of the contract, not fraud in inducement of the arbitration clause, claim should be decided first by mediation, then, if necessary, by arbitration, in accordance with DROA contract terms. 81 H. 1, 911 P.2d 721.

Parties did not have arbitration agreement where there was no prior "agreement in writing" to arbitrate between plaintiff and insurer and plaintiff sought to recover no-fault benefits as a pedestrian under §431:10C-304(1)(A)(ii), not under a contract with insurance company. 86 H. 59, 947 P.2d 371.

Where plaintiff and defendant's insurer did not have a written agreement in compliance with this section, §431:10C-213 did not by itself provide independent authority to compel arbitration. 86 H. 59, 947 P.2d 371.