Rules of Court

See HRCP rule 81(a)(5), (f)(1); Hawaii Rules of Appellate Procedure.

See also Hawaii Appellate Conference Program Rules.

Case Notes

Review on appeal limited to matters within the powers of the circuit court under §658-10. 20 H. 198.

Review of supreme court limited to grounds set forth in §§658-9, 10. 51 H. 332, 460 P.2d 317.

Denial of a motion to vacate an award does not necessarily foreclose an appeal. 69 H. 427, 745 P.2d 290.

Failure to timely challenge award precludes subsequent appeal under this section, except for clarification; review of §658-8 confirmation award under this section must be confined to grounds listed in §§658-9 and 658-10. 74 H. 210, 847 P.2d 652.

In arbitration cases, requirement in HRCP rule 58 that "every judgment be set forth in a separate document" superseded by this section and §658-12. 81 H. 403 (App.), 917 P.2d 730.