Rules of Court

See HRCP rules 58, 77(d), 79.

Case Notes

Confirmation of arbitration decision, discussed. 866 F.2d 1175.

Fact that parties had right to appeal arbitration award, which had not yet been confirmed, modified, or corrected, was factor in determining that settlement agreement was based on disputed and unliquidated claim which parties resolved by promise of mutual concessions to terminate dispute. 72 H. 560, 825 P.2d 1053.

Circuit court’s order granting defendant’s motion to confirm arbitration award constituted the entry of judgment and triggered the running of the time within which plaintiff could file plaintiff’s notice of appeal. 77 H. 88, 881 P.2d 1234.

In arbitration cases, requirement in HRCP rule 58 that "every judgment be set forth in a separate document" superseded by this section and §658-15. 81 H. 403 (App.), 917 P.2d 730.

Mentioned: 74 H. 210, 847 P.2d 652.