Case Notes
Where submission under the statute grounds for setting aside the award limited to those provided by the statute. 5 H. 39, 40; 20 H. 198.
Award may be corrected or modified only on grounds set forth in section. 51 H. 332, 460 P.2d 317.
All judicial review of arbitration awards and judgments of circuit courts reviewing arbitration awards are restricted by this section. 57 H. 186, 552 P.2d 1117.
"Evident miscalculation of figures". 66 H. 663, 675 P.2d 760.
Court may modify or correct arbitration award only on three grounds specified in section. 73 H. 201, 830 P.2d 503.
Failure to timely bring motion to modify or correct under this section precludes challenge of award confirmation order and subsequent appeal under §658-15, except for clarification. 74 H. 210, 847 P.2d 652.
Circuit court's confirmation order did not modify award, only clarify that employer was duty bound to comply with arbitration award only to extent it would not be obligated to perform an illegal act. 82 H. 57, 919 P.2d 969.
Arbitrators did not make an award upon a matter not submitted to them. 4 H. App. 295, 666 P.2d 603.
Circuit court had no power to modify award where employer’s request to modify award did not come within any one of the specified grounds in §658-9 or this section; there is a limited public policy exception to the general deference given arbitration awards. 77 H. 187 (App.), 881 P.2d 1255.
Where there was an evident mistake in the name of the defendant, the circuit court was authorized under this section, "upon the application of any party to the arbitration", to change the name of the defendant when it confirmed the arbitrator’s award; court also had the authority to do this sua sponte, without any request by any party to the arbitration. 89 H. 310 (App.), 972 P.2d 725.