Cross References

Jurors, see chapter 612.

Rules of Court

Alternate jurors, see HRCP rule 47(b); HRPP rule 24(c). Jury of less than twelve when stipulated, see HRCP rule 48; HRPP rule 23(b).

Attorney General Opinions

Because proposed amendment to this section conflicted with §13 of article I of state constitution, a constitutional amendment for changing number of jury members in civil cases, where there is no agreement by the parties, was required. Att. Gen. Op. 97-2.

Law Journals and Reviews

The Protection of Individual Rights Under Hawai`i's Constitution. 14 UH L. Rev. 311.

Case Notes

Oath requiring jury to give a true verdict according to the law and the evidence in the case before the court is sufficient without adding to truly try the issues. 18 H. 263

Section requires "strike and replace jury" method of impanelment in contrast to "struck jury" method used by trial judge. 73 H. 100, 828 P.2d 276.