§612-22 Trial jurors subject to one year of service; one day or one trial requirement. The persons whose names are placed on the certified lists filed by the clerk shall be subject to service for one year from and after January 1 and until the filing of new certified lists; provided that trial jurors shall serve only one day or one trial during the year. Prospective jurors who are challenged at voir dire and excused, excused for cause, summoned but not called to a courtroom, or called to a courtroom but later excused shall return to the juror pool to await reassignment to another trial. Jurors in the juror pool awaiting reassignment to another trial shall be discharged after it has been determined that their services will not be needed. Jurors who are discharged from the juror pool shall be dismissed from service for the year; provided that jurors who fail to appear as summoned may have their names placed in the qualified jury wheel for service in the ensuing jury year and where a request for deferment of service has been made and granted by the court, the period of time between the first date of summons to appear and the time that the juror is next summoned for service may be tolled and may be applied to extend the eligibility of service if the juror should not again be summoned or serve on an actual trial within the year. Jurors who are accepted to serve on a jury shall complete the duration of the trial and shall be dismissed from service for the year. [L 1973, c 191, pt of §1; am L 1975, c 48, §1; am L 1987, c 366, §13; am L 1988, c 181, §1; am L 1993, c 159, §5; am L 1996, c 136, §3]