Case Notes

Not subject of review court discharging jury after seventeen hours of deliberation; when in opinion of court a case previously tried was so nearly parallel to case for trial that jurors who sat upon former case could not be free from bias it was proper to exclude them in a body, without separate examination. 7 H. 352. Excusing of jurors in absence of statutory provision to the contrary lies in discretion of trial judge. 9 H. 288. Temporary attack of sickness is not necessarily a reason for discharging him. 12 H. 159. Order excusing juror from further duty within discretion of court. 13 H. 332. Court declaring mistrial not reviewable except on clear showing of abuse of discretion. 24 H. 757.

Trial court's redaction of home street addresses and home and work telephone numbers on juror qualification forms did not violate this section and there was no substantial failure to comply with subsection (c). 85 H. 258, 942 P.2d 522.

Word "shall" in subsection (c) is "directory" rather than "mandatory". 85 H. 258, 942 P.2d 522.