Chapter 416 referred to in text is repealed.
Cross References
Unauthorized practice of law as criminal contempt of court, see §710-1077.
Rules of Court
See HRPC rule 5.5.
Case Notes
Only bar association or attorney general has standing to bring action for violation of this section. 501 F. Supp. 830.
Assuming plaintiff collection agency to be engaged in unauthorized practice of law, such conduct does not entitle the debtor defendant any relief. 59 H. 503, 584 P.2d 107.
Nonattorney agents are not allowed to represent corporations in litigation. 60 H. 372, 590 P.2d 570.
First offender chargeable only with violation; circuit court had exclusive jurisdiction. 68 H. 226, 708 P.2d 138.
Where Oregon law firm did not "practice law within the jurisdiction" of Hawaii, it did not violate this section nor §605-17; thus, plaintiff could recover fees under §607-14 for services rendered by firm. 87 H. 37, 951 P.2d 487.