Cross References
Bypass of court annexed arbitration, see §671-16.5.
Center for alternative dispute resolution, see chapter 613.
Rules of Court
See RCC rule 34; Hawaii Arbitration Rules.
Applicability of Hawaii Arbitration Rules, see RCC rule 34.
Law Journals and Reviews
The Impact of Discovery Limitations on Cost, Satisfaction, and Pace in Court-Annexed Arbitration. 11 UH L. Rev. 81.
Tort and Insurance "Reform" in a Common Law Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 55.
Striking a Balance: Procedural Reform Under the Lum Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 223.
Case Notes
Subsection (b) did not violate equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 76 H. 494, 880 P.2d 169.