554B-1 Definitions
554B-2 Custodial trust; general
554B-3 Custodial trustee for future payment or transfer
554B-4 Form and effect of receipt and acceptance by custodial
trustee, jurisdiction
554B-5 Transfer to custodial trustee by fiduciary or obligor,
facility of payment
554B-6 Multiple beneficiaries, separate custodial trusts,
554B-7 General management duties of custodial trustee
554B-8 General powers of custodial trustee
554B-9 Use of custodial trust property
554B-10 Determination of incapacity, proceeding and effect
554B-11 Exemption of third person from liability
554B-12 Liability to third persons
554B-13 Declination, resignation, incapacity, death, or removal
of custodial trustee; designation of successor
custodial trustee
554B-14 Expenses, compensation, and bond of custodial trustee
554B-15 Reporting and accounting by custodial trustee;
determination of liability of custodial trustee
554B-16 Limitations of action against custodial trustee
554B-17 Termination and distribution
554B-18 Implementation, methods, and forms for creating
custodial trusts
554B-19 Applicable law
554B-20 Uniformity of application and construction
554B-21 Short title
554B-22 Severability