Rules of Court
Parties, see HRCP rules 19-21.
Case Notes
Where decedent contracted in writing, specific performance suit may be brought against executor alone. 23 H. 208.
Memorandum sufficient to satisfy statute of frauds not "contract in writing." 45 H. 1, 361 P.2d 374.
Where no contract in writing this chapter inapplicable and executor or administrator without power to act as sole representative of legal title in specific performance suit relating to real property. 45 H. 1, 13, 361 P.2d 374; 49 H. 409, 410, 420 P.2d 93; see 44 H. 464, 474, 355 P.2d 25. Compare 43 H. 241, relating to pending litigation over title to real estate.