§437-28 Suspension; revocation; fine; denial of issuance or renewal of a license. (a) In addition to any other actions authorized by law, the board, after notice and hearing as provided in chapter 91, and subject to appeal to the circuit court of the circuit in which the board has jurisdiction under the procedure and rules prescribed by the laws of the State or the applicable rules of the courts pertaining to appeals to circuit courts, may suspend, revoke, fine, or deny the renewal of any license, or prior to notice and hearing deny the issuance of any license for any cause authorized by law, including but not limited to circumstances where the board finds that the applicant or holder, or any officer, director, general manager, trustee, partner, or stockholder owning more than ten per cent interest of the applicant or holder:

(1) Has intentionally made a false statement of a material fact in the application for a license or in any other statement required by this chapter or has obtained or attempted to obtain a license by fraud or misrepresentation;

(2) Has failed to comply, observe, or adhere to any provision of this chapter or any other law relating to the sale, taxing, or licensing of motor vehicles or any rule or order made pursuant to this chapter;

(3) Has committed a fraudulent act in selling, purchasing, or otherwise dealing in motor vehicles or has misrepresented the terms and conditions of a sale, purchase, or contract for sale or purchase of a motor vehicle or any interest therein including an option to purchase motor vehicles;

(4) Has engaged in business under a past or present license issued pursuant to this chapter, in a manner as to cause injury to the public or to those with whom one is dealing;

(5) Has failed to comply, observe, or adhere to any law in any other respect on account whereof the board may deem the applicant or holder to be an unfit or improper person to hold a license;

(6) Has failed to meet or maintain the conditions and requirements necessary to qualify for the issuance of a license;

(7) Is insolvent or has filed or is the subject of petition for bankruptcy, wage earner's plan, or financial reorganization plan; or has made or proposes to make an assignment for benefit of creditors;

(8) In the case of an individual applicant or holder of a license, if the applicant or holder is not at least eighteen years of age; in the case of a partnership applicant or holder of a license, if any general or limited partner thereof is not at least eighteen years of age;

(9) Has charged more than the legal rate of interest on the sale or purchase or attempted sale or purchase or in arranging the sale or purchase of a motor vehicle or any interest therein including an option to purchase;

(10) Has violated any of the laws pertaining to false advertising or to credit sales in the offering, soliciting, selling, or purchasing, or arranging to sell or purchase a motor vehicle or any interest therein;

(11) Has wilfully failed or refused to perform any unequivocal and indisputable obligation under any written agreement involving the sale or purchase of a motor vehicle or any interest therein including an option to purchase;

(12) Has been denied the issuance of a license under this chapter for substantial culpable cause or for having had a license issued under this chapter suspended, revoked, or the renewal thereof denied for substantial culpable cause;

(13) Has entered or has attempted to enter or proposes to enter into any contract or agreement contrary to this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder;

(14) Has been or is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of selling new motor vehicles as a dealer or auction without a proper franchise therefor;

(15) Has at any time employed or utilized or attempted or proposed to employ or utilize any person not licensed under this chapter who is required to be so licensed;

(16) Has entered or attempted to enter any one-payment contract, where the contract is required to be signed by the purchaser prior to removal of the motor vehicle for test driving from the seller's premises;

(17) Being a salesperson or dealer:

(A) Has required a purchaser of motor vehicles as a condition of sale and delivery thereof to purchase special features, appliances, accessories, or equipment not desired or requested by the purchaser; provided that this prohibition shall not apply as to special features, appliances, accessories, or equipment which are ordinarily installed on the vehicle when received or acquired by the dealer;

(B) Has represented and sold as an unused motor vehicle any motor vehicle which has been operated as a demonstrator, leased, or U-drive motor vehicle;

(C) Has sold a new motor vehicle without providing or securing for the purchaser the standard factory new car warranty for the vehicle, unless the dealer or salesperson clearly notes in writing on the sales contract that the new motor vehicle is sold without the standard factory warranty;

(D) Has sold a new motor vehicle covered by a standard factory warranty without informing the purchaser in writing that any repairs or other work necessary on any accessories which were not installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle may not be obtainable in a geographic location other than where the purchase occurred; provided that the notice required by this section shall conform to the plain language requirements of section 487A-1, regardless of the dollar amount of the transaction;

(E) Has engaged in any improper business conduct, including but not limited to employing, contracting with, or compensating consumer consultants; or

(F) Has sold or leased a new or used motor vehicle, other than at auction, without written documentation that contains the following provision printed legibly in at least fourteen-point bold typeface print, upon which the salesperson or dealer shall appropriately indicate the type of sale, and upon which both the customer and salesperson or dealer shall place their initials in the designated spaces, prior to the signing of the contract of sale or lease:

"This (IS) (IS NOT) a door-to-door sale. There (IS A) (IS NO) 3-DAY RIGHT TO CANCEL on this purchase.

Customer's Initials Salesperson's

or Dealer's Initials";

(18) Being an applicant or holder of a dealer's license:

(A) Has sold or proposed to sell new motor vehicles without providing for the maintenance of a reasonable inventory of parts for new vehicles or without providing and maintaining adequate repair facilities and personnel for new vehicles at either the main licensed premises or at any branch location;

(B) Has employed or proposed to employ any salesperson who is not duly licensed under this chapter; or

(C) Has sold or proposed to sell new motor vehicles without being franchised therefor;

(19) Being an applicant or holder of an auction's license has sold or proposed to sell new motor vehicles without being franchised therefor; or

(20) Being an applicant for a salesperson's license:

(A) Does not intend to be employed as a salesperson for a licensed motor vehicle dealer; or

(B) Intends to be employed as a salesperson for more than one dealer.

(b) For disregard of an order suspending a license pursuant to section 436B-23, the board may summarily take possession of and impound all motor vehicles belonging to or in the possession of the licensee whether or not the vehicles are situated upon the licensed premises, pending final action in this case or, without taking possession of the motor vehicles, may render them unusable; provided that the right of the board to take any action and any liens for towing or storage or otherwise arising from the action are subject to and subordinate to any security interest that has attached to the motor vehicles prior thereto, and the board, prior to taking any action, shall give notice thereof to any secured party whose security interest in the motor vehicles is known to the board or who, prior to any action by the board, had filed a financing statement covering the motor vehicles or had noted the lien on the legal ownership certificates thereof.

(c) Any fine imposed by the board after a hearing in accordance with chapter 91 shall be no less than $100 nor no more than $1,000 for each violation.

(d) In lieu of or in addition to the fine imposed under this section, the board may require the motor vehicle dealer to make restitution to the customer. Restitution may be imposed in lieu of a fine even though the amount may exceed the fine set forth in subsection (c). [L 1939, c 258, §11; RL 1945, §7373; am L 1951, c 90, pt of §1; RL 1955, §160-173; am L 1957, c 302, §1(20); am L 1961, c 59, §1(15); am L 1963, c 199, §1n; HRS §437-28; am L 1969, c 252, §4 and c 263, §1(16); am L 1970, c 87, §1; am L 1972, c 195, §1; am L 1973, c 129, §1(a) to (h); am L 1974, c 21, §1, c 89, §1, and c 205, §2(4); am L 1978, c 92, §3; am L 1980, c 62, §1; am L 1982, c 204, §8; am L 1983, c 124, §17; am L 1986, c 154, §2; am L 1987, c 283, §27; am L 1988, c 319, §1; am L 1992, c 109, §4 and c 202, §29; am L 1996, c 264, §10; am L 1997, c 44, §1 and c 85, §2; am L 1999, c 216, §2]