L 1999, c 163, §5 provides:
"SECTION 5. During fiscal years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001, there shall be an assessment of all insurers, general agents, subagents, nonresident agents and brokers, solicitors, adjusters, limited licensees under 431:9-214(c), managing general agents, reinsurance intermediaries, surplus lines brokers, and designated representatives. The assessment shall be fifty per cent of the applicable fee amount listed in section 431:7-101(a) prior to the effective date of this Act [June 28, 1999]. The assessment shall be made on August 1, 1999, and August 1, 2000, and shall be due on September 1, 1999, and September 1, 2000, respectively.
If the assessment is not paid when due, the assessment shall be increased by a penalty of fifty per cent of the assessment. If the assessment and the penalty are not paid within thirty days following the due date of September 1, the commissioner may revoke, suspend, or inactivate the certificate of authority or license and shall not reissue, remove the suspension of, or reactivate the certificate of authority or license until the assessment and penalty have been paid."