
L 1995, c 234, §21, as amended by L 1999, c 163, §16, provides:

"SECTION 21. [Workers' compensation insurance administration special fund. (For repeal on July 1, 2001, see L 1995, c 234, §26(1)).] There is established a special fund for the administration of workers' compensation insurance by the insurance commissioner to be called the workers' compensation insurance administration special fund.

This fund shall be used to pay the costs incurred in administering workers' compensation insurance. Costs shall include but not be limited to:

(1) Costs related to public education and information;

(2) Costs relating to closed claims studies;

(3) Other studies and evaluations relating to workers' compensation insurance, which may include an analysis of the classifications of jobs and the assigned risk pool affecting the rates charged by insurers; and

(4) Costs related to administrative contracts with personnel necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.

For each fiscal year beginning 1995-1996 until fiscal year 1998-1999, up to $150,000 shall be deposited into this special fund from the following sources:

(1) Fair and equitable assessments to be made by the insurance commissioner on April of each year, on each insurer authorized to transact workers' compensation insurance in this State and each self-insurer;

(2) Fair and equitable assessments to be made by the insurance commissioner for a one-time deposit into the fund, on each insurer authorized to transact workers' compensation insurance in this State and each self-insurer.

As of July 1, 1999, all unexpended and unencumbered balances remaining in the special fund shall be transferred to the insurance regulation fund. After funds are transferred to the insurance regulation fund, the workers' compensation special fund shall be abolished."

Cross References

Limitation on charges, see §431:10C-308.5.