Law Journals and Reviews

A Suggested Framework for Judicial Review of Challenges to the Adequacy of an Environmental Impact Statement Prepared under the Hawaii Environmental Policy Act. 18 UH L. Rev. 719.

Case Notes

Environmental impact statement addressed all statutory requirements of chapter, was compiled in good faith, and set forth sufficient information to enable decisionmaker to consider fully the environmental factors involved. 81 H. 171, 914 P.2d 1364.

Chapter does not conflict with Hawaiian homes commission act, has only incidental impact on Hawaiian home lands, and is not inconsistent with interests of the beneficiaries; thus, chapter applies to Hawaiian home lands. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.

HHCA §204 not violated by application of this chapter. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.