Attorney General Opinions

Amendments to county development plans; when environmental assessments required. Att. Gen. Op. 85-30.

Applicable to housing developed under chapter 359G. Att. Gen. Op. 86-13.

Case Notes

Law contemplates consideration of secondary and nonphysical aspects of proposal, including socio-economic consequences. 63 H. 453, 629 P.2d 1134.

Requirements not applicable to project pending when law took effect unless agency requested statement. 63 H. 453, 629 P.2d 1134.

Construction and use of home and underground utilities near Paiko Lagoon wildlife sanctuary. 64 H. 27, 636 P.2d 158.

Environmental assessment required before land use commission can reclassify conservation land to other uses. 65 H. 133, 648 P.2d 702.

Participation by plaintiffs at contested case hearing did not excuse preparation of environmental assessment. 86 H. 66, 947 P.2d 378.

For Hawaiian home lands, the department of Hawaiian home lands is the accepting authority for applicant proposals under subsection (c); because the governor is not involved, there is no conflict with Hawaiian homes commission act. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.

"State lands" in paragraph (a)(1) includes Hawaiian home lands. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.

Hawaii Legal Reporter Citations

Decision on preparation of EIS. 79 HLR 790667.