Part I. Drinking Water Regulations


340E-1 Definitions

340E-2 Drinking water standards

340E-2.5 Capacity development

340E-3 Variances and exemptions

340E-4 Imminent hazards

340E-4.5 Tampering with public water systems, penalties

340E-4.6 Inspection of premises

340E-4.7 Notification to users of potential lead contamination

340E-4.8 Water catchment systems

340E-5 Plan for emergency provision of water

340E-6 Notification of users and department

340E-7 Prohibited acts

340E-8 Penalties and remedies

340E-9 Administration

Part II. State Interim Action Levels for Contaminants

in Water

340E-21 Definitions

340E-22 Establishment of interim action levels

340E-23 Rules

340E-24 Notification of contamination of underground sources

of drinking water and other sources of public drinking


340E-25 Preemption

Part III. Drinking Water Financing

340E-31 Definitions

340E-32 Declaration of policy

340E-33 Powers and duties

340E-34 Grants

340E-35 Drinking water treatment revolving loan fund;

establishment, purpose

340E-36 Drinking water fund; uses and limitations;

types of assistance

340E-37 Drinking water fund; conditions

340E-38 Drinking water fund; deposits

340E-39 Drinking water fund; fees

340E-40 Drinking water fund; interest and investment on


340E-41 Compliance