Attorney General Opinions

Department of health's preparation of a new birth certificate pursuant to paternity orders. Att. Gen. Op. 87-6.

Case Notes

Legitimacy or illegitimacy fixed at birth and cannot be changed by subsequent legislation. 3 H. 459; 4 H. 548. Prior to amendment of Act 71, L 1907, children of adulterous intercourse not legitimated by subsequent marriage of parents. 4 H. 292; 17 H. 45, 415, aff'd 210 U.S. 149. Legitimation by subsequent marriage. 29 H. 258, aff'd 16 F.2d 273.

Child begotten and born out of wedlock even though legitimated by statute on marriage of parents, is not "lawfully begotten child" within meaning of will. 14 H. 271.

Presumption of legitimacy is not conclusive, but rebuttable. 30 H. 574. Evidence to rebut presumption. 49 H. 273, 414 P.2d 925.

Effect of legitimation on necessity of father's consent to adoption of child. 52 H. 395, 477 P.2d 780.