REPEALED. L 1972, c 10, §7.


§§329-14 and 22 are renumbered §§329-39 and 44, respectively, and assigned to the new chapter 329, Uniform Controlled Substances Act. L 1972, c 10, §§7, 8.



Part I. General Provisions


329-1 Definitions

329-2 Hawaii advisory commission on drug abuse and

controlled substances; number; appointment

329-3 Annual report

329-4 Duties of the commission

Part II. Standards and Schedules

329-11 Authority to schedule controlled substances

329-12 Nomenclature

329-13 Schedule I tests

329-14 Schedule I

329-15 Schedule II tests

329-16 Schedule II

329-17 Schedule III tests

329-18 Schedule III

329-19 Schedule IV tests

329-20 Schedule IV

329-21 Schedule V tests

329-22 Schedule V

329-23 Republishing and distribution of schedules

Part III. Regulation of Manufacture, Distribution,

Prescription, and Dispensing of Controlled


329-31 Rules

329-31.5 Clinics

329-32 Registration requirements

329-33 Registration

329-34 Revocation and suspension of registration

329-35 Order to show cause

329-36 Records of registrants

329-37 Filing requirements

329-38 Prescriptions

329-39 Labels

329-40 Methadone treatment programs

Part IV. Offenses and Penalties

329-41 Prohibited acts B--penalties

329-42 Prohibited acts C--penalties

329-43 Penalties under other laws

329-43.5 Prohibited acts related to drug paraphernalia

329-44 Notice of conviction to be sent to licensing board,

department of commerce and consumer affairs

329-45 Repealed

329-46 Prohibited acts related to visits to more than one

practitioner to obtain controlled substance


Part V. Enforcement and Administrative Provisions

329-51 Powers of enforcement personnel

329-52 Administrative inspections and warrants

329-53 Injunctions

329-54 Cooperative arrangements and confidentiality

329-55 Forfeitures

329-56 Burden of proof; liabilities

329-57 Judicial review

329-58 Education and research

329-59 Controlled substance registration revolving fund;


Part VI. Regulated Chemicals for the Manufacture of

Controlled Substances

329-61 Substances subject to reporting

329-62 Proper identification

329-63 Person required to keep records and file reports

329-64 Exceptions

329-65 Penalty

329-66 Theft, loss, and discrepancy reports

329-67 Permit for conduct of business; applications; forms;

fees; renewal; violations

329-68 Protection of records; divulging confidential

information prohibited; penalties

329-69 Subpoena powers

329-70 Forfeiture

Part VII. Precursors to Controlled Substances

329-81 to 91 Repealed

Part VIII. Electronic Prescription Accountability


329-101 Reporting of dispensation of controlled substances;

electronic prescription accountability system;

requirements; penalty

329-102 Central repository

329-103 Designated state agency

329-104 Confidentiality of information; disclosure of
