Part I. General and Administrative Provisions
304-1 Establishment; available to all
304-1.5 University of Hawaii-West Oahu special fund
304-2 University to be public corporation; general powers
304-3 Regents; appointment; tenure; qualifications; meetings
304-4 Powers of regents; official name
304-4.3 University attorneys
304-4.4 Public meetings
304-4.5 Benchmarks
304-4.6 Special and revolving fund fees and charges
304-5 Purposes of university
304-6 Suits
304-6.5 Indemnification of collaborating institutions
304-7 Gifts; investment authority
304-7.5 Budget appropriations; University of Hawaii
304-7.6 University of Hawaii equipment
304-7.8 Appropriations for special and revolving funds of
the University of Hawaii
304-7.9 Management of special and revolving funds of the
University of Hawaii
304-8 Appropriations; accounts; reports
304-8.1 Research and training revolving fund
304-8.2 Student health center revolving fund
304-8.3 Transcript and diploma revolving fund
304-8.4 Vocational and technical training projects
revolving fund
304-8.41 University of Hawaii commercial enterprises
revolving fund
304-8.5 Animal research farm, Waialee, Oahu revolving fund
304-8.6 University of Hawaii student activities revolving fund
304-8.7 University of Hawaii at Manoa intercollegiate
athletics revolving fund and University of Hawaii at
Hilo intercollegiate athletics revolving fund
304-8.8 University of Hawaii at Manoa malpractice
special fund
304-8.85 University of Hawaii workers' compensation and
unemployment insurance compensation special fund
304-8.86 University of Hawaii workers' compensation and
unemployment insurance compensation revolving fund
304-8.9 Systemwide information technology and services
special fund
304-8.91 Child care programs revolving fund
304-8.911 Child care programs
304-8.92 Discoveries and inventions revolving fund
304-8.93 Library special fund
304-8.94 Conference center revolving fund
304-8.945 Conference center revolving fund for Hilo campus
304-8.946 University of Hawaii-Hilo theatre revolving fund
304-8.95 Hawaii opportunity program in education endowment
special fund
304-8.955 University of Hawaii community services special fund
304-8.956 University of Hawaii auxiliary enterprises special
304-8.957 University of Hawaii facilities use revolving fund
304-8.96 University of Hawaii housing assistance revolving fund
304-8.97 University of Hawaii alumni revolving fund
304-8.98 University of Hawaii graduate application revolving
304-9 Land-grant college aid
304-10 Loans; advances
304-10.5 Contracts for services provided by the Research
Corporation of the University of Hawaii
304-11 Personnel
304-12 Exchange privileges of faculty members; conditions
304-12.5 Graduate assistants; scholarship program
304-13 Classification schedule
304-13.5 Annual report
304-14, 14.5 to 14.9 Repealed
304-15, 16 Repealed
304-16.5 University of Hawaii tuition and fees special fund;
tuition schedule and waivers
304-17, 18 Repealed
304-19 Reporting of exempt fees of scholarship holders
304-20 College of education
304-20.5 Center for teacher education; university-school
304-21, 22 Repealed
304-23 Hawaii history
304-24 Depository of war records
304-25 Compensation of laboratory school cafeteria personnel
304-26 Lunch program
304-27 University of Hawaii at Manoa laboratory school summer
programs revolving fund
304-28 Tuberculosis clearance certification; exemption
Part II. Special Divisions, Programs, and Departments
A. Aquarium and Marine Laboratory
304-30 State aquarium
304-31 State aquarium; site
304-32 Aquarium admission fee
304-33 State aquarium special fund
B. Center for Labor Education and Research
304-34 Center for labor education and research
304-35 Functions and programs
304-36 Labor education advisory council
304-37 Revolving fund
C. School of Nursing
304-39 Creation of school of nursing
304-40 Functions of school
304-41 Power to contract
D. Geophysics Institute
304-42 Geophysics institute; director and staff
304-43 State geophysicists
304-44 Encouragement of federal assistance
304-44.5 Repealed
E. Overseas Operations and Asian Studies
304-45 to 49 Repealed
F. Land Study Program
304-50 to 53 Repealed
G. Economic Research Center
304-54 Repealed
H. Food and Beverage
304-55 Courses of instruction
I. Leahi Hospital
304-61 Renumbered
J. Law School
304-62 Creation of law school
K. Program of Equal Educational Opportunity
304-63 Program of equal educational opportunity; established
304-63.1 Coordinating office of educational services for
the disadvantaged; created
L. High Technology Research
304-65 Pacific international center for high technology
research; established
M. Special Residency Program
304-66.1 Findings and purpose
304-66.2 Qualifications for residency program
304-66.3 Contract necessary for filling of positions
304-66.4 Penalty for breach of contract
304-66.5 Residency program; defined
N. Other Programs
304-67 Family practice residency program; established
304-68 International exchange program for health-related
304-68.5 International exchange health care tourism revolving
O. Hawaiian Language College
304-69 Creation
304-70 Functions
Part III. Agriculture
304-71 Agricultural extension service; experiment station
304-72 Specialist in cooperative organizations
304-73 Soil conservation; policy
304-74 Board to act as agency
304-75 Powers and duties of agency
304-76 Agriculture, forestry, and natural resource
management program at Hilo
Part IV. Student Loan Assistance Program
304-91 Student loan fund
304-92 Eligibility for loans; amounts
304-93 Repayment of loans; collection
304-94 Capacity of minors
304-95 Rules and regulations
Part V. Bookstores
304-101 Community college and Hilo campus bookstore revolving
Part VI. Western Governors University
304-111 Participation and membership in the Western
Governors University and other educational consortia
304-112 Western Governors University special fund