For prior legislative history of this chapter, see RLH chapter 99 and 1965 Supplement.
Duty of public entities to warn of dangers at public beach parks (repealed June 30, 2003). L 1996, c 190, §2; L 1999, c 101, §2.
Geographic information system liaison program with center for ocean analysis and prediction. L 1992, c 140.
Task force on beach and water safety (expires June 30, 2003). L 1996, c 190, §3; L 1999, c 101.
Waimanalo long term leases (expires July 1, 2001). L 1996, c 257; L 1999, c 54, §2
Cross References
Civil relief for state military forces, see chapter 657D.
Kaho`olawe island reserve, see chapter 6K.
Attorney General Opinions
Applies to any and all "public lands", including ceded lands or lands acquired by the State by other means. Att. Gen. Op. 95-3.
Law Journals and Reviews
Native Hawaiians, Self-Determination, and the Inadequacy of the State Land Trusts. 14 UH L. Rev. 519.