87-1 Definitions
Trust Fund
87-2 Establishment of the fund
87-3 Purpose of the fund
87-4 State and county contributions to the fund
87-4.5 State and county contributions to fund; retired
employees with fewer than ten years of service
87-4.6 State and county contributions to fund; employees
hired after June 30, 1996, and retired with fewer
than twenty-five years of service
87-5 Reimbursement for state contributions
87-6 Contributions by an employee-beneficiary for health
benefits plans
Board of Trustees
87-11 Composition of board
87-12 Appointment and removal of trustees
87-13 Term of a trustee; vacancy
87-14 Chairperson and secretary-treasurer
87-15 Compensation and expenses of a trustee
87-16 Legal adviser
Powers and Duties of the Board
87-21 Administration of the fund
87-22 Determine health benefits plan; contract with carriers
87-22.3 Determination of health benefits plans
87-22.5 Determination of dental plan benefits
87-23 Determination of benefits under the group life benefit
program or group life insurance program
87-23.5 Determination of long-term care benefits plan;
contract with carrier or third-party administrator
87-23.6 Contributions by an employee-beneficiary or qualified-
beneficiary for long-term care benefits plan
87-23.7 Health benefits for part-time, temporary, and seasonal
or casual employees; provision of
87-24 Selection of a carrier or third-party administrator
for a health benefits, group life insurance, or
long-term care benefits plan
87-25 Determine eligibility of employee, dependent, or
87-25.5 Reciprocal beneficiary family coverage defined;
reciprocal beneficiary employees, State and counties,
and fund responsibility costs
87-26 Information and enrollment
87-27 Supplemental plan to federal Medicare
87-28 Other powers
87-29 Other duties
87-30 Rules
Procedure of the Board
87-31 Meetings; notice
87-32 Quorum
87-33 Voting power; majority
87-34 Records and minutes