Attorney General Opinions
Under law prior to May 31, 1963, February completion date was directory. Att. Gen. Op. 62-15, 62-36.
Under authority to call the conference of directors, state director is impliedly chairperson of the conference. Att. Gen. Op. 62-35.
Right of appeal: employee organizations may appeal as persons in own behalf. Att. Gen. Op. 62-35.
Appeal board need not comply with the rulemaking or adjudication requirement of the administrative procedure act (chapter 91). Att. Gen. Op. 62-36.
Board must hold public hearings before making adjustments in classes not appealed. Att. Gen. Op. 62-36.
Any employee who believes the employee's class is improperly priced may appeal. Classes in series affected by an appeal may be adjusted. Att. Gen. Op. 63-41.
PECAB has no jurisdiction to hear appeals from actions by the governor, chief justice or respective county councils with respect to assignments of SC salary ranges. Att. Gen. Op. 81-10.
Case Notes
Public employees’ compensation appeals board was not required to hold a contested case hearing in accordance with chapter 91 on pricing appeal. 10 H. App. 99, 861 P.2d 747.