Attorney General Opinions
Candidate who fails to file the certificate required by par. (6) may not be placed upon the ballots. Att. Gen. Op. 70-15.
A person who is moving and will change election district in September is eligible to file nomination papers as candidate from the district to which the person will move. Att. Gen. Op. 74-15.
Candidate could seek election to public office and constitutional convention even though elections concurrent. Att. Gen. Op. 75-12.
Enforces Article II, Section 7, with respect to candidates for state or county but not federal offices. Att. Gen. Op. 86-4.
Law Journals and Reviews
Fasi v. Cayetano: Challenging Hawaii's "Resign-to-Run" Amendment. 13 UH L. Rev. 327.
Case Notes
Par. (6): Candidate must certify that candidate will qualify by the next general election; provision not unconstitutional. 52 H. 251, 473 P.2d 872.