Hui `Imi advisory council (expires June 30, 2004). L 1997, c 376.
Cross References
Successor determination program, see §171-100.
Attorney General Opinions
Office of Hawaiian affairs constitutionally valid. Att. Gen. Op. 80-8.
Legislature may not authorize office of Hawaiian affairs to use funds derived from public land trust to better the conditions of "Hawaiians", as defined in section 10-2, distinguishing from "native Hawaiians" as defined in section 5(f) of the Admission Act. Att. Gen. Op. 83-2.
Law Journals and Reviews
The Constitutionality of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. 7 UH L. Rev. 63.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Issue of Sovereign Immunity. 7 UH L. Rev. 95.
The Native Hawaiian Trusts Judicial Relief Act: The First Step in an Attempt to Provide Relief. 14 UH L. Rev. 889.
Native Hawaiian Entitlement to Sovereignty: An Overview. 17 UH L. Rev. 427.
Case Notes
Does not violate section 5 of the Admission Act. 921 F.2d 950.