Cross References

General powers, see §46-1.5.

Attorney General Opinions

Until section takes effect on January 1, 1972, legislature may by general law amend county charter. Att. Gen. Op. 70-6.

Legislature may not require those running for county office to resign from present public office. Att. Gen. Op. 75-22.

Counties may provide for nonpartisan election of prosecutor. Att. Gen. Op. 85-7.

Civil service systems defined in §§76-77 and 46-33 are not substantively so different as to represent special, rather than general laws for purposes of this section and article VIII, §6 of state constitution. Att. Gen. Op. 97-6.

Law Journals and Reviews

Kaiser Hawaii Kai Development Company v. City and County of Honolulu: Zoning by Initiative in Hawaii. 12 UH L. Rev. 181.

Marsland v. First Hawaiian Bank: Home Rule and the Scope of the County Prosecutor's Power. 12 UH L. Rev. 261.

Case Notes

A charter framed and adopted as authorized by this section may be amended by the legislature by general law. 50 H. 277, 439 P.2d 206.

Provisions in charter must be limited to self-government of political subdivisions and within limits of general law. 56 H. 582, 545 P.2d 684.

Counties not authorized to include charter provisions repugnant to statutes in areas of civil service and compensation. 59 H. 65, 576 P.2d 1029.

Provisions of Maui Charter on the departments of water supply, police and liquor control relate to executive and administrative structure and organization and are superior to statutory provisions. 59 H. 65, 576 P.2d 1029.

County charter which permitted zoning by initiative was not superior to state statute. 70 H. 480, 777 P.2d 244.

Challenge to election results regarding proposed amendments to county charter barred by doctrine of laches. 72 H. 499, 823 P.2d 738.

Ordinance in conflict with express provision in county charter was invalid. 72 H. 513, 823 P.2d 742.

Hawaii Legal Reporter Citations

Charter provisions superior to statutory provisions. 79 HLR 79-0027.